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WDTY Oval Gear Flowmeter


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WDTY Oval Gear Flowmeter
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Technical specifications



WDTY Oval gear meter for controlling and measuring low, medium, and high viscosity, such as fuel, lubrication oil, with advantage of high precision and low pressure loss, compact light weight design and easy installation.

WDJYM Oval gear meter with LCD display, 5-digital sub-total, with floating point from 0.001 to 999.99 8-digital non-resettable totalizer.

WDJYM-P Oval gear meter with pulse output, Reed Switch built in, signal channel output.


Technical Data:

Inlet and Outlet: BSP 1/2";

Accuracy: ±0.5%

Repeatibility: 0.2%

Max. Working Pressure: 70Bar

Flow Rate: 1-30L/min

Discharge Rate Revolution:25ml/R

Battery Power: 2x 1.5V

Output of Pulser:

2 pulses per revolution