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Single And Double Gun Charging Pile


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Technical specifications

Technical index name

Content of technical indicators

Input voltage


Ac Frequency Range


The Output Voltage


Rated output current


maximum output power

national standard 7KW

American-Standard 11KW

European standard 22KW

Insulation Properties

≥10mΩ(Output integrated shell)

Working Environment

Elevation≤2000m temperature-30~50°C humidity 95%

charging method

Automatic charging/appointment charging

Protection class

SecurityOver voltage, under voltage, over current, short circuit, output reverse connection, overheating, leakage protection, lightning protection
Charging gun life≥10000次  Times or more
Three defensesThe shell is made of metal material to prevent moisture, salt spray and mildew.Resistant to abnormal heat and fire

When discussing Single and Double Gun Charging Piles in the context of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, it's important to understand their distinct features and applicability.

Single Gun Charging Pile (Single-Port Charger)

A Single Gun Charging Pile, also known as a single-port charger, is designed to charge a single EV at a time. It's suitable for situations where charging demand is relatively low, such as residential areas, small parking lots, or for personal use.

Key Features:

  • Lower Cost: Compared to a double-port charger, a single-port charger has a lower upfront cost, making it a more budget-friendly option.

  • Space-Efficient: Occupying less space, a single-port charger is easier to install in constrained areas.

  • Stable Charging Efficiency: While it can only charge one vehicle at a time, it provides a stable and reliable charging experience.

Double Gun Charging Pile (Dual-Port Charger)

A Double Gun Charging Pile, or dual-port charger, features two charging guns that can simultaneously charge two EVs. This type of charger is ideal for locations with higher charging demand, such as commercial parking garages, charging stations, or fleet operations.

Key Features:

  • High Charging Efficiency: By enabling two vehicles to charge concurrently, a dual-port charger significantly increases overall charging efficiency.

  • Increased Adaptability: During peak charging hours, a dual-port charger can alleviate congestion and improve the user experience.

  • Cost-Effective in the Long Run: Although the initial investment may be higher, the ability to charge two vehicles simultaneously can lead to cost savings over time.

Market Trends

Both single- and dual-port chargers are widely available in the market, catering to different charging needs. As the adoption of EVs continues to grow, the demand for efficient charging solutions, including dual-port chargers, is also on the rise.

Selection Considerations

When choosing between a single- and dual-port charger, it's crucial to consider the following factors:

  • Charging Demand: Evaluate the expected number of EVs that will need to be charged simultaneously.

  • Available Space: Consider the space constraints at the charging location.

  • Cost and Budget: Compare the upfront and long-term costs associated with each option.

  • Compatibility: Ensure that the charger is compatible with the EVs that will be using it.